who we are

Agricultural Cooperative in Costigliole Saluzzo

For over 30 years Albifrutta, a fruit cooperative sited in Piemonte, has been specialized in the conservation and trading of his own associated’s products.

Nowadays Albifrutta has more than 100 associated in the province of Cuneo who can count on the cooperative for the conservation, processing and distribution of their products.

our products

fruit distribution, conservation and selling

Albifrutta deals with fruits and vegetables processing, selling and trading not only in the province of Cuneo, but also in many regions of Italy and abroad. There is a large quantity of varieties produced by Albifrutta's associated. Below you can find a description of each one:

Albifrutta Società Cooperativa

Via Piasco, 22/A
12024 - Costigliole Saluzzo


Phone 0175 230837
Fax 0175 230989

Social Network

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